首页 > 北京公寓资讯 > 项目动态 > 金隅环贸国际公寓荣获2023"年度最佳服务式酒店公寓"奖


来源:金隅环贸国际公寓租赁部 时间:09-01 23:33


2023年8月29日,金隅环贸国际公寓受邀参加《LifeStyle 品味生活》主办的2023第十二届CHA中国酒店大奖颁奖典礼活动,并荣获2023年“年度最佳服务式酒店公寓”奖。

On 29th August, 2023, GTC Residence Beijing won the " Best Service Apartments of The Year " of 《LifeStyle》 in 2023 The 12th Annual China Hotel Awards.


《LifeStyle 品味生活》主办的“CHA 中国酒店大奖”创立于 2010 年,迄今为止已成功举办十一届,是大中华区最具影响力、最具权威性的酒店大奖之一。“年度最佳酒店式公寓奖”是“CHA 中国酒店大奖”授予的服务式公寓类最高荣誉,通过专业组、住客达人组评分及线上投票等诸多环节,层层考核筛选,最终脱颖而出。此项殊荣是对我们金隅环贸国际公寓追求优质服务、创造非凡价值、酿就卓越品质的积极肯定,更是住客长期以来对公寓充分认可的佐证。同时,也激励我们不断开拓进取,打造出超越期待的居住体验。 

Established in 2010, "CHINA HOTEL AWARDS" sponsored by 《LifeStyle》 has been successfully held for 11 years and is one of the most influential and authoritative hotel awards in China. The“Best Service Apartments Award of The Year” is the highest honor of the Service Apartment category awarded by“CHINA HOTEL AWARDS”. The participating apartments are voted by guests from all over the world. Through layers of screening, they finally stand out. This award is an affirmation of our winners' pursuit of quality service, creating extraordinary value and producing excellent quality. It is also a testimony to the guests' full affirmation of GTC Residence, and it also encourages us to forge ahead and create a living experience that exceeds expectations.


金隅环贸国际公寓地处北三环北京环球贸易中心商圈内,距北京首都机场仅20分钟车程,更可轻松前往CBD国贸商圈、使馆区、金融街、城市商业、购物与娱乐中心等主要区域,真可谓行止有度的绝佳所在。金隅环贸国际公寓是为国际高端商务人士与其菁英家庭缔造的理想居家,处处显露出对品质的坚持。134套现代格调的怡然寓所,从一居的精雅到三居的雍容,乃至复式四居的名宅气度,均坐拥都市繁华与自在静谧。公寓更配有一万平米的绿地及空中花园、3M 新风过滤系统、商务及购物班车服务、智能机器人、线上商城及AI 语音服务管家等,为住客提供了优质舒适便捷的居住体验。

GTC Residence is located at the North Third Ring Global Trade Center, only 20-minute drive from Beijing Airport, with easy access to major areas such as CBD International Trade Circle, Embassy District, Shopping and Entertainment Center. This is a great location and ideal place to live. GTC Residence is an ideal home created by international senior business people and their elite families, demonstrate our commitment to quality service. The 134 set of modern apartment, the elegance of the one-bedroom、 the grace of the three-bedroom, and the duplex four-bedroom, all sitting in the city's prosperity and calmness.We are equipped with 10,000sqm green space and sky garden, 3M fresh air filtration system, shuttle bus service for business and shopping, Intelligent robot, online mall and AI voice service butler, etc., to provide guests with a high-quality,comfortable and convenient living environment.



The apartment's featured “Yue” Club is a combination of indoor golf room, private movie room and piano room. It aims to create a personalized and comfortable place for residents and their families, offering a high quality of life with comfort and elegance.


In the future, GTC Residence Beijing will not forget the original intention, adhering to the service concept of interpreting a home away from home, and creating an intimate, comfortable and safe living experience for more customers.

Tel: +86 (10) 5842 3612

E-mail : bjgongyu@126.com


36 North Third Ring Road East Dongcheng District, Beijing 100013, China
